Travelling Bazaar
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Travelling Bazaar is a lifestyle store, specialising in fashion, accessories and travel items sourced from around Europe

Call Nicola if you need more information - 07802 803584

DawnXDare Pimento Molly Cardigan

DawnXDare Fawn Multi Knit

Munthe Tuxa denim shirt

Munthe Tolla Knit

Munthe Tashumi shirt

Munthe Loumie Jacket -navy

Wushu Master trainer 507

Autumn is upon us

This Autumn it is all about the russets, browns and animal prints with a pop of orange or ruby red.
Choose from our shirts & knits in suitably seasonal colours and then add the pop…. whether it is a cardigan from American Vintage or DawnXDare or a fabulous bead drop earring from our jeweller - Gem & Tonic.
Favourites this season include the Leopard print knit from Munthe and the silky shirts and Skirts from Project AJ.

Follow us for our latest news : @travellingbazaar